Founder of the 12th Azerbaijani Holy Kindred Spirits, Brother Wat.


you must REPENT or burn amongst the DAMNED sinner spirits rotting along the pits of hell reincarnating as a bird to be shot down like a dog for an endless lifetime. you will go to sleep and never wake as you remember. July 16th, 2025 A thousand souls perpetually in damnation, cyclical forever suffrage. The unholy redeemer watches. The 2nd book of Toran in the Slovat Indigestion will give you guidance in this matter. Kill your foul beast and wash your mouth with the blood. Eyes will be upon you amongst the scattered remains. February 10th, 2027 The azerjabani temple holds strong. Shout to the caller and restore faith among your sheep. Never will the ground be the same after being flushed by the DIVINE calling, the reaper, scorching the earth in a firey blaze November 22nd, 2028. This is the one truth..